The Tang Center sponsors fellowship opportunities for advanced scholars and undergraduate and graduate students to conduct research on Early China at Columbia University or in China.

Please select the fellowship that you would like to apply for from the list below: 

Pre-Doctoral Research Grants in the amount of $8,000 each are offered by the Tang Center to two students each academic year (2 graduates, or 1 graduate + 1 undergraduate) in pursuit of researches in early Chinese civilization. The proposed research must be carried out outside of New York City. For graduate students, preference is given to research that can contribute to the completion of the applicant’s doctoral dissertation. In the case of undergraduates, the grant is awarded as a summer stipend for research in China.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants must be fully registered in an undergraduate or graduate program in Columbia University.
  • Applicants must be in good standing.
  • Applicants must be within seven years of registration if graduates, or four years if undergraduates.

Application Requirements:

  • Basic application form
  • Budget breakdown
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Official transcripts
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • For undergraduate student applicants only: 
  1. 6 – 7-page double-spaced project proposal that outlines the importance of the project to the applicant’s education
  2. Project timeline
  • For graduate student applicants only:
  1. 10-page double-spaced project proposal that outlines the importance of the project and the potential contributions of its results to the applicant’s dissertation
  2. Project timeline
  3. A copy of the applicant’s dissertation prospectus


The Tang Visiting Scholar’s Fellowship is offered each year to one scholar for an in-residence research period of 10 months at Columbia University. The proposed projects are expected to be in relation to early China. The applicant must be non-US based, and preference is given to scholars from East Asia.

Fellowship funds can be used to cover airfare, living expenses, and fees accrued during the fellow’s residence at the university. The Fellowship also includes a modest travel fund for the fellow to visit other US cities or institutions. The successful candidate may be invited to teach short-term courses or seminars which, if it happens, will carry a supplemental adjunct salary.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants must have PhD degree in hand at the start of the fellowship period, or have outstanding research credential.
  • Applicants must be able to manage day-to-day conversation in English.
  • Applicants must be affiliated with an academic institution in their country of origin.
  • Past recipients are not eligible to apply for two years, except for projects evaluated by the Tang Executive Committee as necessary to receive multiple years of support.

Application Requirements:

  • Basic application form
  • Accepted proof of English proficiency (one of the following):
  • Official diploma from an academic institution where English is the language of instruction; Or
  1. Results of a recognized English language test (test results are valid for 2 years): including TOFEL, IELTS and other similar internationally recognized tests; Or,
  2. Internet-based TOEFL (minimum score of 79)
    Paper-based TOEFL (minimum score of 550)
    IELTS (minimum score of 6.5)
  3. Evidence of previous successful J-1 exchange programs, e.g. copies of previous Forms DS-2019 or a letter from the previous J-1 visa sponsor; Or
  4. Passing a phone, video conference or in-person interview arranged by the Tang Center
  • 10 – 15 page double-spaced project proposal (in English). Proposal contents should include the following:           
  1. The purpose of the project
  2. Research methods
  3. Potential contributions of research findings 
  • Project timeline
  • Travel itineraries (if travel budget is requested)
  • Curriculum Vitae (in English)
  • Two letters of recommendation (in English)

The Tang Center offers grants up to two workshop and/or conference proposals each academic year, depending on the scale. Each workshop or conference should have an identified central problem or theme on which the papers will focus. Alternatively, the workshop/conference can be centered on a newly discovered corpus of materials or manuscripts, or on an important archaeological site, or a region. Budgets for workshops and/or conferences should not exceed $20,000.

The Tang Center encourages faculty members and scholars from peer institutions to apply, and will give preference to proposals that can yield future publications, particularly in the Tang Center’s monograph series.

The eligible expenses include travel and lodging costs of the participants, and local arrangements such as taxi and meals. The fund may not be used for salary replacement, honoraria, the purchase of equipment, or indirect institutional costs including administrative cost or overhead.

The workshops and conferences will be held on the Columbia campus. But they will not be open to the public. The Tang Center will provide administrative assistance to setting up the workshops and conferences.

The Tang Center welcomes applicants seeking co-sponsorship. In the case of co-sponsorship, the workshop or conference may be hosted at the applicants’ home institutions given that the applicant’s home institution covers the greater part of the total cost. To accept the award, the applicant must provide endorsement letter(s) from the applicant’s institution that express the institution’s consent to these procedures. The center’s funds can only be transferred to institutional accounts after the completion of the event with submission of required accounting record.

Application Requirements:

  1. Names and Contact information of Co-Organizers
  2. Workshop or Conference Title
  3. A 1500-word Proposal, including the title of workshop or Conference, names of co-organizers, description of goals or potential contributions, and a list of participants.
  4. A Workshop or Conference Budget (before submission, please check with the center’s program manager, Haiying Weng at to ensure the feasibility of the budget)



The Tang Center for Early China offers one Post-Doctoral Research Award in the amount of $25,000 each year in recognition of outstanding research projects in early Chinese civilization or in archaeology that match the mission of the Tang Center.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Awardees must have PhD degree in hand, or have outstanding research credential to receive the award.
  • The selected awardees are required to submit a report that summarizes their research outcome and scholarly contributions.
  • The award is open to North American applicants only.
  • The selected recipients are not receiving incremental funding for a full post-doctoral position, or not receiving salary from full-time faculty positions.
  • Past recipients are not eligible to apply for two years, except for projects evaluated by the Tang Center Executive Committee as necessary to receive multiple years of support.

Application Requirements:

  • Basic Application Form
  •  10 – 15 page double-spaced project proposal. Proposal content should include the following:
  1. The significance of the project
  2. Comprehensive list of sources
  3. Method of study
  4. Potential contributions of the proposed research
  • Two letters of recommendation (in English)
  • Expense breakdown
  • Project Timeline
  • Curriculum Vitae

Tang Center for Early China